By accessing the 'Say No' scripts, you’ve already made a vital shift in your life, and its heading to your inbox as we speak.


But if you're serious about your commitment to stop second guessing yourself or getting talked into things you really don't want to do read on....

Knowing 25 phrases to say 'no' is a great start.

But I'm guessing you also desperately want to... 

✔️ Stop replaying conversations in your head and then picking apart what you might have said wrong.

✔️ Stop keeping quiet to try and make everyone around you happy.

✔️ Stop feeling obligated to do the things others expect of you for fear of being disliked.

✔️ Stop holding back because you’re worried about being judged.

Then you're going to want to sign up for Speak & Feel Heard—

a masterclass on effective and assertive communication.


Can you imagine how it would feel to say what you’re thinking, confidently, without fear of judgement or being disliked?

  • To share your opinion without feeling paralyzed?
  • To speak up and be heard and respected?
  • To say no to the things you don’t want, without offending others?
  • To communicate clearly and confidently no matter the situation? 

"This class was exactly what I needed to not only find the confidence to stand up for myself in family situations, but also the courage to share my ideas at work."

— Jamie L.

After a lifetime of tip-toeing and constantly editing myself to appease others, I knew something had to change. And that something was ME. I dug deep, did the research and am now sharing the system for building confidence while speaking, and knowing what to say and how to say it so you are respected and heard.



A masterclass on assertive communication, chock full of repeatable scripts, actionable steps to become a confident communicator, and a toolbox of resources that will make you heard, valued and respected.



You’ll get immediate access to: 

  • My 4-step formula for asserting yourself clearly, confidently and kindly. 

  • 11 different tools to choose from to become assertive in a way that feels natural and true to you.

  • The 6 Communication Myths you’ve believed for too long, and the secret to getting others to listen without triggering their defensiveness.

  • A list of power words to clearly get your point across, and a list of trigger words to avoid.

  • And more.

“I need this! I’m ready to speak up with confidence and feel heard and valued!”

Speak & Feel Heard Master Class


$97 $47

(over half off for a limited time)


Take it from me, a recovered people-pleaser, now on the other side— speaking up for what I want and don’t want was the best investment of my time that I have made. All it took was learning the right tools and a willingness to use them. 

Don’t let another year, another meeting, another family gathering, or another frustrating conversation pass by without the courage to assert yourself, say what you think, ask for what you want, and speak up for what you don’t...

Here’s to you owning your voice— 

Julia Kristina