The shift society is a premium online membership to get you past worry, overthinking, and self-doubt
so you can have the calm, confidence and emotional strength you've always wanted.
Click the button below to get on the waitlist
As a therapist and life coach of 10 years, I created this brain changing, cognitive science backed membership to share the tools that changed my life and those of the 100s of people I’ve worked with.
Made with intention, this monthly online membership is a smart, rational, and empowering place to connect, grow, and learn how to get past self-doubt, anxiety and over-stressing - especially in life’s most challenging seasons.
Even on a good day, life often feels overwhelming
Any of these sound familiar?
- spiral easily into obsessive over-worrying
- question everything the moment someone challenges you (like why you did something a certain way at work)
- stay up all night, ruminating over the “dumb thing you said” earlier that day
- rarely feel confident and worry constantly about accidentally offending someone.
- find it impossible to feel good about yourself
- struggle to speak up for yourself and set clear boundaries
- desperately wish you could quiet your overthinking mind, because it’s that deafening
Even if it feels near impossible to not doubt yourself, overstress and overthink, know there is a way to find calm and confidence amid the chaos.
Life is full of triggers.
Complicated relationships with family, stressful situations at work, or even tense interactions about world events can send your anxiety into overdrive.
But it doesn't HAVE to be this way.
As a master therapist and life coach who had to overcome my own self-doubt and anxiety getting in the way of a calm and confident life, I have developed actionable tools that I teach in my program that will be opening up again soon.
You’ll learn how to:
✓ Feel calm, grounded and umesswithable no matter what life, your loved ones, or anyone else throws at you.
✓ Truly believe in WHO you are and show up in life without apology
✓ Have the tools to step up and step into whatever life presents you with instead of letting fear, worry or self-doubt hold you back.
✓ Learn a fool-proof process to stay focused and motivated - even when you feel pulled to numb out and avoid by whatever means possible.
✓ Connect with other “I get you!”, committed men and women who are ready to be in the driver's seat of their minds and emotions.
Because you do NOT have to keep trying to figure out how to 'free yourself' to feel good and live your best life on your own.
I’m going to teach you how to finally overcome the barriers of anxiety, self-doubt, and overthinking.
We're going to get you unstuck.
This isn't a program full of fluffy mantras or drawn out meditations that you can't possibly find the quiet time for.
This is an online, self-paced, cognitive-science based therapeutic coaching program that teaches you how to understand what's happening in your brain so you can actually stop the anxiety and get calm, confident and feeling truly happy.
Your big shifts are coming.