Go from overwhelmed and overthinking to calm and grounded with 99 Healthy Coping Methods—
for anyone feeling weighed down, stressed or anxious.
✔️ Stop waiting around for better days, or better circumstances to feel more calm, happy, and at peace in your mind.
✔️ Don’t depend on someone else to behave a certain way so that you can be okay
✔️ The quickest way to improve your mental well-being is to HONOUR 👏YOURSELF👏 AND 👏YOUR 👏NEEDS
After receiving many questions that sounded a lot like this—
"Julia, how do I keep calm and grounded when I feel like the world around me is in chaos?"
"How do I feel happy and present throughout the day when there's a ball of anxiety in the pit of my stomach?
"What can I do to find peace when I feel burnt out by parenting and overworking and too many commitments and financial stress I just want to yell and throw a fit?"
To help you find your calm, I put together an in-depth, tried and true, scientifically backed list of 99 healthy coping methods to help you deal with all of these stressors and more!
Get your copy of 99 Healthy Coping Methods below

After realizing my own anxious habits and unhealthy coping mechanisms just weren’t cutting it, I dug deep, did the research and learned how to cope with stress and worry in healthy and productive ways.
To help you find peace of mind, I put together an in-depth, tried and true, cognitive science backed list of 99 healthy coping methods to help you deal with all of life’s overwhelm, and get you well on your way to moving that tension through and finding peace..
So here it is—
99 Healthy Coping Methods
A comprehensive list of healthy coping mechanisms to turn to and implement in times of stress, worry, overwhelm, or anxiety.
It includes:
- 99 alternatives to chewing your fingernails, yelling at your loved ones, pouring another glass of wine, finishing off the bag of oreos, or allowing your emotions spiral out of control
- 2 worksheet activities to help you begin the process of practicing healthy coping and rewiring your brain
- The science behind why some of these healthy coping methods really do work!

“Yes, Julia! I’m ready to calm my over anxious, overthinking mind with 99 Healthy Coping Methods!”
Get 99 Healthy Coping Methods:
$7 USD
(Less than the cost of a takeout lunch!)
SAY YES TO HEALTHY COPING!Whether or not you decide to purchase this tool, I encourage you to start now taking the steps to manage your thoughts and responses around stress and overwhelm.
Take it from me, a recovered overwhelmed overthinker: healthy coping will help you deal and feel so much better.
Don’t wait until you’re in the middle of a meltdown and need something quick to help you though… Grab all 99 of these now and have them ready to go next time that knot returns to the pit of your stomach.
I’m here to help.
Here’s to healthy coping—
Julia Kristina